SAIRR Today: Press Release: Statement by the South African Institute of Race Relations on the ramifications of the killing of Eugène Terre'Blanche - 6th April 2010
The Institute desisted from issuing a formal statement in the immediate aftermath of the killing of Mr Terre'Blanche in order to first gauge the broader ...
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Research & Policy Brief
SAIRR Today: Slow progress in reaching equity goals - 16th April 2010
Data received from Commission for Employment Equity in 2009 paints a picture of inequality both in terms of gender and in terms of race.
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Research & Policy Brief
SAIRR Today: The end of COPE - 14th May 2010
The manner in which COPE’s senior leadership is committing political suicide will return South Africa’s electoral politics to a two-way contest between the DA ...
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Research & Policy Brief
SAIRR Today: The struggle for jobs - 28th May 2010
Much has been written about employment and job creation in the media over the last month. This week SAIRR Today reviews data from the 2008/09 South Africa ...
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Research & Policy Brief
SAIRR Today: Why some schools work - 16th July 2010
The Minister of Basic Education, Mrs. Angie Motshekga, has received much praise after announcing reforms to the Outcomes Based Education curriculum. However, ...
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Research & Policy Brief
SONA 2017 – The Silver Lining
In order to bring some perspective to the 2017 SONA and subsequent media reporting, we have produced this report, which features some examples of the progress ...
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Occasional Reports
South Africa State of the Nation in 2018: Prognosis for reform
7 February 2018 - This document is drawn from a speech delivered by Frans Cronje to the FW de Klerk Foundation in Cape Town on the 28th anniversary of Mr de ...
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Occasional Reports
South Africa's geological endowment
21 September 2018 – This report examines the scope for making the most of the South Africa’s underlying geology, the foundation of a wide range of vital ...
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Occasional Reports
South Africa's Immigrants – Building a New Economy
Most refugees and immigrants who come to South Africa seeking a better life, manage to do so. This report investigates how they achieve the seemingly ...
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Occasional Reports
South Africa's Minibus Taxi Industry: Resistance to Formalisation and Innovation
5 March 2020 – This report assesses the potential for innovation and modernization in South Africa’s minibus taxi industry.
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Occasional Reports