Research and Policy Brief: 'Loyale Verset?' The N.P. Van Wyk Louw Memorial Lecture by Professor Jonathan Jansen - 25th October 2010
Professor Jonathan Jansen, vice-chancellor and rector of the University of the Free State and president of the South African Institute of Race Relations, ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Not just another BRIC in the wall - 14th October 2010
Emerging markets continue to feature prominently in global economic discussions on the back of perceived economic weaknesses in both the United Sates and the ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Five Bills Building State and Union Power - 8th February 2011.
The Cabinet used the festive season to unveil five new bills: four on labour, one on land. All five supposedly aim to help the poor, but their predictable ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: 'Model C' is the model to emulate - 1st February 2011.
The odds of a pupil, regardless of race, passing matric increase significantly when they attend a former 'Model C' school, compared to those who attend other ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Land ownership and land reform in South Africa - 27th February 2012.
Dr Pieter Mulder has courted great controversy with comments that black South Africans have no historical claim to land in the Northern and Western Cape and ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Two scenarios for the future of South Africa - 14th January 2013.
At no point since 1994 has the Institute confronted more angst and pessimism about the future of the country than we saw in 2012. At briefing after briefing we ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: ANC hit-list also includes civil society and NGO sectors - 6th August 2010
Much is being made of the ANC’s efforts to thwart media freedom in South Africa. Few people have realised, however, that the party is similarly gunning for ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: NDR: the cornerstone of any policy analysis of South Africa - 27th August 2010
The current public service strike has brought to the fore the bitter nature of the power struggle at play in the ruling ANC/SACP/COSATU alliance. Our current ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: The Totalitarian Risk - 17th August 2010
Recent weeks have seen much dismay around the behavior of South Africa’s government. For it has tabled legislation to restrict access to government ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Rethinking Mobility - Spatial planning that enables transportation and technology in South African Metros
6 April 2018 - Effective planning in South Africa’s metros must incorporate the everyday and often-changing needs, desires and decisions of ordinary people, ...
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Occasional Reports