@Liberty – Give the poor back their right to work: a 10-point plan for jobs
24 June 2015 – Job security for some has been achieved at the price of unemployment for others who might have benefited from a more adaptable and flexible ...
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@Liberty – Non-Racial Affirmative Action in Employment
26 November 2014 – There is a need for a non-racial form of affirmative action in employment instead of the present race-based system.
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@Liberty – Sitting on the Horns of a Dilemma – Water as a Strategic Resource in South Africa
10 November 2015 – South Africa’s water shortage is not simply the result of the current drought, says water expert Dr Anthony Turton in an analysis published ...
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@Liberty – South Africa's Housing Conundrum
6 October 2015 – The Government’s current housing policy is both costly and ineffective. Mary R Tomlinson seeks to explain the housing conundrum and offers ...
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@Liberty – The DTI versus TRIPS and Doha
12 November 2014 – The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is pushing ahead with proposals to bypass and undermine patents in the health sector and beyond.
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@Liberty – The Expropriation Bill is back and it's still unconstitutional
4 March 2015 – The Expropriation Bill of 2015 again gives the State the power to take ownership and possession of property of virtually any kind by notice to ...
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@Liberty – The rise and fall of Eskom – and how to fix it now
18 March 2015 – South Africa’s precarious electricity supply presents a national crisis. The desperate shortage of electricity is crippling our economy. ...
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@Liberty - ‘Re-imagining the mining industry’
16 August 2016 - The Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) says it wants to ‘re-imagine the mining industry’ and turn it into ‘a sun- rise one for 100 years to ...
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@Liberty - “Pearls before swine, Johnnyboy’’
3 March 2014 - The first issue of @Liberty, published on 13th February 2014, carried the Institute’s twelve-point plan for a better South Africa. Reaction to a ...
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@Liberty - A New Empowerment Strategy to Liberate the Poor
30 May 2019 – This report spells out the benefits of shifting from current Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) measures to an alternative Economic Empowerment for ...
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