Letter: The IRR grounds all its work in classical liberalism - Sowetan
Vuso Shabalala gave some grudging attention to the Institute of Race Relations IRR in his column "Mbeki challenges us to examine reality through lens of ...
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MICHAEL MORRIS | Right of reply: four years on, Imraan Buccus is still misreading IRR’s impulses - TimesLIVE
Though Imraan Buccus (“SA’s English-speaking white right promotes disinformation of the West”, February 18 2024) mistakes name-calling for argument, the ...
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Four false criticisms of liberalism from the right - Politicsweb
As the national-conservative movement grows around the world, the right is increasingly abandoning the alliance of convenience it had with liberalism during ...
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MICHAEL MORRIS: From Grosvenor castaways to Gaza, false certainties come at high cost - Business Day
Recent holiday reading took me back to some of the most enthralling episodes of my 1970s childhood, hiking the Wild Coast with my late father and elder ...
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RIGHT OF REPLY: The IRR will not forsake its classical liberal values - Falcons
18 August 2022 - Sizwe Dlamini (Are we seeing a case of the paid piper with the IRR’s Daily Friend?, also published on IOL) makes several false statements and ...
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Reflections on the life and legacy of John Kane-Berman - Businesslive
7 August 2022 - Thinking about the recent death of John Kane-Berman is one of those rare instances when reckoning with what’s lost, considerable though it is, ...
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John Kane-Berman (1946-2022) – an outstanding South African
28 July 2022 - With great sadness, the Institute of Race Relations announces the death after a short illness of John Kane-Berman, former CEO of the Institute, ...
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In Memoriam: John Kane-Berman 1946-2022 - Politicsweb
27 July 2022 - John Kane-Berman, who was born on the eve of apartheid and devoted his life to vigorously opposing the race nationalism of apartheid’s ...
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Fear and loathing at the University of Cape Town - Politicsweb
2 May 2022 - To read this book is to descend into an Orwellian world of topsy-turvy logic, thoughtcrime, doublethink, betrayal, cruelty, lies, and fear. But ...
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Liberalism agrees about redress for poverty, inequality - Businesslive
23 January 2022 - Taking active steps to redress SA’s continuing extreme poverty and inequality, still largely along racial lines, is both the right thing to ...
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