MICHAEL MORRIS | Right of reply: four years on, Imraan Buccus is still misreading IRR’s impulses - TimesLIVE
Though Imraan Buccus (“SA’s English-speaking white right promotes disinformation of the West”, February 18 2024) mistakes name-calling for argument, the ...
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IRR in the Media
Reflections on the life and legacy of John Kane-Berman - Businesslive
7 August 2022 - Thinking about the recent death of John Kane-Berman is one of those rare instances when reckoning with what’s lost, considerable though it is, ...
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Repliekreg, IRV neem liberale standpunt in teenoor linksgesindes - Maroela Media
29 September 2021 - Voormalige en huidige lede van die Instituut vir Rasseverhoudinge (IRV) en ‘n rits ander “besorgde burgers” het in ‘n ope brief hul kommer ...
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IRR in the Media
RIGHT OF REPLY: The IRR will not forsake its classical liberal values - Falcons
18 August 2022 - Sizwe Dlamini (Are we seeing a case of the paid piper with the IRR’s Daily Friend?, also published on IOL) makes several false statements and ...
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The Institute of Race Relations is on the same long, hard path as it always was — the path of classical liberalism - Daily Maverick
7 September 2021 - It was a pleasure to read J Brooks Spector’s comments on the Institute of Race Relations (“A window into the proud history of the SA ...
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There’s no ‘battle for the soul’ of the Institute of Race Relations: This is what the IRR does actually argue for - Daily Maverick
19 August 2021 - Whether pea-shooting from the sidelines constitutes a “battle for the soul” of the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) is doubtful, but the ...
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Four false criticisms of liberalism from the right - Politicsweb
As the national-conservative movement grows around the world, the right is increasingly abandoning the alliance of convenience it had with liberalism during ...
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Letter: The IRR grounds all its work in classical liberalism - Sowetan
Vuso Shabalala gave some grudging attention to the Institute of Race Relations IRR in his column "Mbeki challenges us to examine reality through lens of ...
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BLM sekte se ware teken is klassieke liberale denke - Netwerk24
30 August 2020 - Wie de hel dink Minister Nathi Mthethwa is hy? Waar kom hy aan die idee dat hy engigsins amper die reg het om die vryhede van uitdrukking, ...
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Fear and loathing at the University of Cape Town - Politicsweb
2 May 2022 - To read this book is to descend into an Orwellian world of topsy-turvy logic, thoughtcrime, doublethink, betrayal, cruelty, lies, and fear. But ...
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