Tinkering at the margins versus putting SA on a new path: President Ramaphosa must veto the EEB
1 April 2022 - Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana has announced that the fuel levy will temporarily be reduced by R1.50 a litre from April 6, and has granted ...
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IRR in the Media
Unemployment: it’s a moral issue, not a "time bomb" - Politicsweb
19 October 2020 - Times without number in the last couple of decades, politicians and pundits have warned us all that unemployment is a “ticking time bomb”. ...
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IRR in the Media
Was dit ’n grap, Cyril? - Rapport
18 October 2020 - As daar enigiets positief is van die “ekonomiese herstelplan” wat pres. Cyril Ramaphosa die afgelope week bekend gemaak het, is dat dit die ...
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IRR in the Media
We Need More Jobs, Not More Race Laws - Post
30 June 2021 - Imagine a doctor runs some tests and comes back to say, “Cancer is not the problem here, but you do have diabetes, arrythmia, and high blood ...
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IRR in the Media
What should I write about? - Newsi
25 August 2021 - I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of making the odd contribution to Newsi since it started up. Kudos and grateful thanks to my good friend ...
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IRR in the Media
What the IMF means when it says SA needs ‘growth-enhancing structural reforms’ – IRR
29 July 2020 - Approval of South Africa’s R70 billion International Monetary Fund (IMF) Covid-19 support package is an invaluable opportunity for South ...
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IRR in the Media
Withdrawing extra-12% Job Tax a win with a warning – IRR
1 September 2021 - Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu has withdrawn her green paper proposal for a social security plan that would amount to an ...
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IRR in the Media
Yes, we do have a choice - Newsi
16 August 2022 - At an address at the University of Pretoria last week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken set out a vision for a partnership between his ...
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IRR in the Media
South Africa and ‘AI-styled political correctness’ - Biznews
Asking ChatGPT to identify the most profound change of the last 200 years yields a lengthy response about the Industrial Revolution. An AI-styled political ...
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IRR in the Media
When the state drives a nation’s ruin, private actors must step in and help stop the rot - Daily Maverick
Former president Thabo Mbeki recently drew on the content of a speech I made at the Cato Institute in Washington earlier this year to express his misgivings ...
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IRR in the Media