Social security plan is State Capture v2.0 – IRR
25 August 2021 - The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) rejects the green paper published last week by the Department of Social Development, which proposes ...
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SONA 2022: Ramaphosa’s golden opportunity to announce veto of flawed employment equity law
9 February 2022 - President Cyril Ramaphosa has a golden opportunity when he delivers his 2022 SONA tomorrow to announce that he will veto the deeply flawed ...
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Squarely facing the ANC-created monster - Biznews
5 January 2022 - The South African economy is trapped in a vicious cycle of low growth, high unemployment, high government budget deficits, bad governance, ...
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Steel industry is buckling under skewed labour and tariff structures - Businesslive
21 October 2021 - Yesterday the National Union of Metalworkers of SA (Numsa) which had demanded an 8% rise, said it would settle for a 5% increase for the ...
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Stopping the ‘jobs bloodbath’ - The Citizen
3 October 2020 - If ever there was a time in which the over-used phrase ‘jobs bloodbath’ was appropriate, 2020 has to be it. According to Stats SA, South ...
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Targets for ‘equitable representation’ sustain racist folly - Businesslive
21 November 2021 - You have only to contemplate for a moment the scale of the impact of dysfunctional education in SA to recognise how pathetically ...
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Terence Corrigan: The high price of cheap ideology - News24
22 October 2022 - When a memo from Dis-Chem CEO Ivan Saltzman became public earlier this month, the uproar it created was both predictable and understandable.
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The EFF's tone-deaf rampage – IRR
8 September 2020 - At a time of great hardship for millions of people, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) yesterday found themselves unable to place South ...
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Three proposals to #SaveTheEconomy
19 July 2021 - Last week, the Institute of Race Relations launched a campaign to #SaveTheEconomy. Through its Racism Is NOT The Problem initiative, the IRR ...
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Time to liberate all business, not just small business - Politicsweb
11 October 2021 - The lekgotla of the ruling party’s national executive committee held early last month envisaged “a reduction in the red tape that constrains ...
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