IRR Growth Strategy: Inexpensive, implementable ideas to turn SA around
Inexpensive and easily implementable reforms could provide a credible foundation for sustainable growth rates of 7% of GDP within a decade, allowing South ...
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IRR in the Media
IRR launches #WhatSACanBe service delivery app
South Africa’s water crisis is getting worse as the chickens of misgovernance come home to roost.
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IRR in the Media
IRR submission to Coalition Convention: Now is the time for bold reforms
South Africa needs nothing less than bold reforms capable of giving citizens a realistic chance of getting ahead through much faster economic growth, increased ...
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IRR in the Media
Joburg: Then (15 years ago) and now - Politicsweb
Johannesburg, once a glittering magnet that attracted people from across the world in search of better opportunities, is now a city mired in neglect.
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IRR in the Media
Johannesburg’s two-sided property crisis – Andrew Kenny - Biznews
There are two different property problems in Johannesburg. Some people just cannot sell their houses. Others just cannot find accommodation.
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IRR in the Media
Land, water and ‘transforming the relations’ - GoSouth
Pledging to resolve the ‘land question’ has been a perennial theme for the ANC. For the most part, this has been approached as a political rather than an ...
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IRR in the Media
Letter: Public service reform’s big challenge - Business Day
Your editorial on the Roman Cabanac affair correctly noted that the issue is larger than the appointment of a controversial person and raises the issue of the ...
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IRR in the Media
Loaning Transnet more money won’t solve SA’s infrastructure crisis – IRR
The BRICS New Development Bank’s approving a R5 billion loan to fix Transnet’s rail sector is deeply concerning. A far better idea would be to allow the ...
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IRR in the Media
Looming Gauteng water crisis: municipalities must shape up – IRR
Gauteng, South Africa’s economic and industrial heartland, will likely be compelled to introduce water rationing if it is to evade the absolute catastrophe ...
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IRR in the Media
MICHAEL MORRIS: ANC’s fanciful housing plan failed to become concrete - Business Day
Just a few months after the 10th anniversary of SA’s inaugural democratic election, the government announced a plan to eradicate informal settlements within a ...
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