Race hustling is a menace and an insult - Politicsweb
21 June 2021 - The campaign against “race hustling” currently being launched by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) comes not a moment too soon. This growing ...
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IRR in the Media
Ramaphosa should appoint non-racialists to BEE panel – IRR
31 May 2022 - The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) challenges President Cyril Ramaphosa to include an expert capable of analyzing the damage BEE is doing to ...
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IRR in the Media
Rasbehepte wetgewing nie oplossing vir SA se probleme - Maroela Media
7 March 2022 - President Cyril Ramaphosa se onlangse staatsrede het die belangrikheid van die privaat sektor beklemtoon, en hoe dringend dit is dat die ...
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IRR in the Media
Repliekreg, IRV neem liberale standpunt in teenoor linksgesindes - Maroela Media
29 September 2021 - Voormalige en huidige lede van die Instituut vir Rasseverhoudinge (IRV) en ‘n rits ander “besorgde burgers” het in ‘n ope brief hul kommer ...
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IRR in the Media
Right of reply - John Endres: The IRR holds the liberal line against the left - News24
21 September 2021 - The criticism directed at the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) today is not dissimilar to that which it received for endorsing unpopular ...
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RIGHT OF REPLY: The IRR will not forsake its classical liberal values - Falcons
18 August 2022 - Sizwe Dlamini (Are we seeing a case of the paid piper with the IRR’s Daily Friend?, also published on IOL) makes several false statements and ...
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Right of reply: Try this for meaning, Prof Jansen - Timeslive
14 February 2022 - In his article “Read this for meaning, Institute of Race Relations” (10 February), Professor Jonathan Jansen levels certain accusations ...
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SA experiences record low Covid-19 death and case numbers
21 October 2021 - This week South Africa’s confirmed Covid-19 death and case numbers fell to their lowest level since the peak of the first wave. According to ...
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Scale of SA’s jobs crisis laid bare
A failure to ‘create jobs’ has been South Africa’s most enduring problem since 1994. The full extent of this is brought out in the 2023 edition of the South ...
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Scrap e-voting from the electoral bill – IRR
11 November 2020 - More than 12 300 written submissions were sent in last week to Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs to protest against the ...
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