IRR welcomes health sector opposition to President’s Health Compact
The President’s Health Compact must be rejected and opposed by business and civil society alike insofar as it endorses the National Health Insurance Act, says ...
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IRR in the Media
IRR: NHI a grave threat to South Africa’s fragile tax base
The IRR warns that placing South Africa’s entire health care system under government control is likely to accelerate middle-class emigration, triggering a ...
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IRR in the Media
IRR: NHI should be on the GNU agenda
NHI remains one of the biggest unknown factors in the GNU’s plans for South Africa. It must be discussed and government must be transparent about its cost.
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IRR in the Media
Ivo Vegter on NHI: Ramaphosa laughs, but SAns are the butt of the joke - Biznews
Ramaphosa seems to think it funny to sign the NHI Bill. The people of South Africa will be the butt of his joke.
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IRR in the Media
MICHAEL MORRIS: Ramaphosa doesn’t realise citizens don’t like being taken for fools - Business Day
One of the easily overlooked features of living in a not especially revolutionary-minded country is that nothing revolutionary ever really happens.
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IRR in the Media
MICHAEL MORRIS: Rational leadership needed, not semantic perversion - Business Day
Thoughtful South Africans will have recognised last week’s masterclass in mythmaking, which contrived to show foreigners poisoning our children to death, as ...
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IRR in the Media
Motsoaledi’s dismissal of valid concerns around NHI disturbing and misguided – IRR
The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) notes with concern remarks by health minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi that opposition to the National Health Insurance (NHI) ...
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IRR in the Media
NHI a serious threat to tax revenue – IRR
Health minister Aaron Motsoaledi is adamant that the National Health Insurance system must be imposed at any cost. He has emphasised that private medical aids ...
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NHI funding plans remain unrealistic – IRR
The latest announcement that the National Health Insurance (NHI) could be funded through the use of funds from the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) shows ...
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IRR in the Media
NHI shock: Business leaders cry foul, accuse Ramaphosa of deception – Sara Gon - Biznews
According to last week’s Sunday Times (Ramaphosa “open” to more NHI talks), top business figures were shocked by President Ramaphosa’s signing of the National ...
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