How will SA’s electricity problems ever be solved? - Biznews
31 October 2022 - The best possible electricity supply for a country is through a well-run state electricity company, which we had before 1990. The worst ...
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IRR in the Media
Ideology sinks opportunities in SA – Terence Corrigan - Biznews
15 March 2022 - Like a dreadful inevitability – because that is what it is – load-shedding is back. Once more, the economy stutters as opportunities are lost, ...
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IRR in the Media
IRR demands answers on State of Disaster
Cogta Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma’s declaration of a State of Disaster is baffling, and requires clarification.
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IRR in the Media
IRR launches #PledgeToVote campaign to get South Africans back to the polls
South Africa’s most recent election, the 2021 Local Government Election, signalled a warning about the condition of our democracy in the continuing decline of ...
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IRR in the Media
IRR Launches Campaign to Fight Loadshedding Meritocratically
13 July 2022 - The IRR has launched a new campaign to Fight Loadshedding by stopping BEE at Eskom. Signatures will be gathered to deliver to the Minister of ...
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IRR in the Media
IRR: SA’s energy desperation justifies Kusile pollution exemption
South Africa has reached the point of energy desperation and cannot afford fashionable ideological indulgences, the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) has ...
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IRR in the Media
Is Gordhan just making the right noises in asking Solidarity for help? - Businesslive
24 July 2022 - One of the most revealing things about public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan’s letter to Solidarity head Dirk Hermann, asking for help in ...
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IRR in the Media
James Lorimer: ANC ‘s controversial oil and gas bill – greed, ignorance and ideology will keep SAns in poverty - Biznews
On Thursday, the votes of African National Congress MPs guaranteed that the Upstream Petroleum Development Bill – which governs how licensing of oil and gas ...
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IRR in the Media
Kann der neue Elektrizitätsminister die Stromkrise in Südafrika beheben? – Katzenellenbogen - Nach-welt
1980 schuf Leonid Breschnew, Vorsitzender der Sowjet- und Kommunistischen Partei, ein Ministerium für Obst und Gemüse, behielt aber das ...
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IRR in the Media
Kenya is eating South Africa’s lunch - Automotive Business Review
I had the good fortune of spending my Christmas vacation traveling through Kenya. Like most African countries, Kenya has its fair share of problems. However, I ...
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IRR in the Media