No cause to fire teacher over political views - Newsi
11 June 2021 - It was probably bound to happen. The consequences of the latest round of the Israel-Gaza conflict (or whatever name one chooses to assign it) ...
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IRR in the Media
One-off tax not the answer as there’s more to the economy than money - Businesslive
30 August 2021 - Milling around outside the Cape presidential residence, then called Groote Schuur, awaiting the outcome of the first official meeting between ...
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IRR in the Media
Public education is failing South Africa’s young people – IRR
24 November 2020 - South Africa’s schools are failing dismally to equip nearly enough young people for university, or the job market.
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Public education needs an overhaul - Post
2 December 2020 - South Africa spent just over a fifth of its 2019 national budget on education, but continues to deliver substandard schooling that is failing ...
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IRR in the Media
Right of reply: Try this for meaning, Prof Jansen - Timeslive
14 February 2022 - In his article “Read this for meaning, Institute of Race Relations” (10 February), Professor Jonathan Jansen levels certain accusations ...
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School race-quota risk
27 July 2022 - Minister of Tourism and ANC Social Transformation Committee chair Lindiwe Sisulu has called for race quotas at all schools, further threatening ...
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Targets for ‘equitable representation’ sustain racist folly - Businesslive
21 November 2021 - You have only to contemplate for a moment the scale of the impact of dysfunctional education in SA to recognise how pathetically ...
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IRR in the Media
Taxpayer-funded graduates an anathema – Vegter - Biznews
10 May 2022 - In South Africa and in America, there is controversy over paying for tertiary education. Many people want it to be free and tax-funded, as it is ...
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The flip side of the apartheid coin - Post
25 August 2021 - Critical Race Theory (CRT) is an academic theory, the purpose of which is to convince people that in order to overcome racism they need to ...
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This little froggy went to school (at the ANC’s behest) – Anthea Jeffery - Biznews
21 April 2022 - Cyril Ramaphosa’s promised ‘new dawn’ continues, with yet another damaging bill soon to be opened for public comment. This time it is both the ...
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