Matric, STEM, and South Africa’s education crisis: Andrew Kenny - Biznews
In one newspaper, I read that our universities in 2025 are overwhelmed with applications for student places: the University of Johannesburg has 33 applicants ...
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IRR in the Media
Addressing LGBT community’s challenges key to cherishing SA’s progressive Constitution - IRR
Nearly 20 years after the legalisation of same-sex marriage, South Africa’s progressive constitutional framework still chiefly benefits members of the Lesbian, ...
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IRR in the Media
How race poisons debate - Politicsweb
There may be reasonable disagreement about the best strategies for dealing with pathological behaviour, but it would be surprising indeed if there were any ...
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IRR in the Media
The costly consequences of intellectual overreach - Biznews
If mere mortals are to navigate the ebbs and flows of the world, intellectuals, especially public intellectuals, can play an indispensable role. In an open and ...
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IRR in the Media
Hope for the youth: turning SA education around
Introducing a school voucher system is the radical change South Africa desperately needs to give new hope to the millions of young people who continue to bear ...
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IRR in the Media
IRR Legal proposes BELA solution
IRR Legal has written to the Presidency and to Education Minister Siviwe Gwarube to propose a solution to the impasse over clauses four and five of the Basic ...
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No fix for the schooling crisis under the BELA Bill – IRR
‘The Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill of 2022, now before the National Council of Provinces for adoption, cannot fix the current schooling crisis and ...
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IRR in the Media
PHSG: Exploiting teenage girls for politics - Politicsweb
In true Stalinist fashion (“show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”), the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) recently set its sights on seeking out ...
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IRR in the Media
Nando’s/Cliff outcry: Don’t chicken out of race debate
25 October 2021 - The evidence is overwhelming that South Africans do not, in the main, believe racism is currently a particularly serious crisis, or that ...
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Nats valued education but the ANC fears it – Politicsweb
20 March 2022 - Writing last week on PoliticsWeb, the historian Hermann Giliomee disputed claims that there were major similarities between the cadre ...
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