Arming SA’s pro-growth forces: invitation to online briefing
Placing economic growth front and centre of public policy is the most effective way to improve the lives of all South Africans. This is the main focus of the ...
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Auditor-General agrees with IRR: government cannot control its spending
In a recent briefing to Parliament the Auditor-General came to the same conclusion as the IRR – the government simply cannot control its spending.
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Banks must clarify their position on EWC
5 August 2022 - The ANC made it clear at its weekend Policy Conference that it is not backing down on its desire to implement Expropriation without ...
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Bars on businesses stifle ability to bounce back from pandemic - Businesslive
4 October 2020 - One of the most important lessons of the lockdown is that businesses that had enough room to adjust and innovate (preserving jobs, justifying ...
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Be careful of imitating the West's energy folly - Politicsweb
17 October 2021 - Earlier this month envoys from several rich countries held talks in South Africa to discuss a deal they want struck in time for the UN ...
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BEE on 2024 Chopping Block: IRR requests Minister Nxesi to justify BEE amidst growing evidence of failure
The IRR yesterday wrote to Minister of Employment and Labour Thulas Nxesi highlighting the detrimental impact of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) policies on ...
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BEE premiums set to explode
Tomorrow, the Public Procurement Bill is scheduled to be put to the vote in the National Assembly, where the ANC majority is expected to pass the new system ...
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Belasting 101 - Rapport
28 February 2021 - Hier is tien dinge oor Tito Mboweni se begrotingstoespraak wat niemand jou nog gesê het nie.
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Better to know what is needed than wishing troubles away - Businesslive
26 June 2022 - The same risk that attended the decline of the once seemingly invulnerable National Party from the end of the 1980s once more looms ever larger ...
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Beware EWC in a time of fiscal crisis - IRR
23 February 2021 - As South Africa nervously awaits tomorrow’s Budget Speech, the Institute of Race Relations warns that any hope of the country’s extricating ...
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