What black American migration patterns tell us about Joburg’s possible future – Sindile Vabaza - Biznews
I recently read a piece by the Brookings Institution titled A ‘New Great Migration’ is bringing Black Americans to the South, which describes in part some of ...
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IRR in the Media
What should I write about? - Newsi
25 August 2021 - I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of making the odd contribution to Newsi since it started up. Kudos and grateful thanks to my good friend ...
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IRR in the Media
What the IMF means when it says SA needs ‘growth-enhancing structural reforms’ – IRR
29 July 2020 - Approval of South Africa’s R70 billion International Monetary Fund (IMF) Covid-19 support package is an invaluable opportunity for South ...
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IRR in the Media
When the dog does not bark - Newsi
20 January 2022 - Few literary characters are as recognisable as Sherlock Holmes. Launched in a thirty-year career spanning 56 stories by his creator, Sir ...
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IRR in the Media
When the state drives a nation’s ruin, private actors must step in and help stop the rot - Daily Maverick
Former president Thabo Mbeki recently drew on the content of a speech I made at the Cato Institute in Washington earlier this year to express his misgivings ...
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IRR in the Media
WHO’s bombshell: We do not advocate lock-downs to control COVID-19 - Medical Brief
22 October 2020 - Professor David Nabarro, the world’s highest-ranking expert on COVID-19, has said that the World Health Organisation (WHO) does not advocate ...
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IRR in the Media
Why 'Expropriation Without Compensation' is a Threat to South Africa's Prosperity| Martin Van Staden - Initiative for African Trade and Prosperity
South Africa has been making headlines in recent years because of a controversial policy known as 'Expropriation without Compensation.' In this video, Martin ...
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IRR in the Media
Why job creation is the wrong policy: Ivo Vegter - Biznews
All political parties have promised, one way or another, to create jobs. They’re all misguided.
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IRR in the Media
Why no money? - Polity
28 January 2021 - ‘We do not have the money, that’s the simple truth that has to be put out there, we are constrained from a financing point of view.’ So said ...
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Why Property Rights Are Non-Negotiable for South Africa's Economy - IATP
In this video Martin Van Staden, a South African legal expert, breaks down the fundamental components of a strong economy and why property rights are a ...
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