MICHAEL MORRIS: Maybe government, not capital, is the problem - Business Day
After ANC political education head David Makhura implored “capital” to “come to the party” last week (in order, he seemed to suggest, to ensure that the ...
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IRR in the Media
SAA privatisation bid fails: How political rifts stall reform efforts – Katzenellenbogen - Biznews
Almost three years ago, when the government said it would partially sell off state-owned South African Airways (SAA), it appeared that the vice-like grip of ...
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Jobs: IRR agrees with Malema – we need a plan
While it is too soon to expect an uptick in jobs on the strength of the political partnership that is the government of national unity (GNU), 100 days into the ...
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MPC focus on economic growth underlines SA’s choice: growth or poverty – IRR
The IRR welcomes the unveiling this week of the Multi-Party Charter’s (MPC) economic policy proposal that puts economic growth front and centre of this year’s ...
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High court rules ‘certificates of need’ unconstitutional, again: Ivo Vegter - Biznews
High Court ruling reconfirms that the Health Act’s “Certificates of Need” are unconstitutional and draws a line in the sand.
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Webinar: South Africa needs investment − IRR shows how to get it
South Africa’s long-term failure to attract sufficient investment is probably the most pressing strategic issue confronting the country – but it has the assets ...
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South Africa’s ambitious path to prosperity: How to achieve economic growth – Terence Corrigan - Biznews
For South Africa to escape from its current malaise, it will need growth of 5.4% per annum for a sustained period. This was the judgement of the National ...
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BEE premiums set to explode
Tomorrow, the Public Procurement Bill is scheduled to be put to the vote in the National Assembly, where the ANC majority is expected to pass the new system ...
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100 days of GNU: Commitment to growth must mean removing barriers to growth – IRR
Rhetoric and sentiment will not be enough to stimulate the sustainable growth on which South Africa’s hopes of creating jobs and rolling back years of ...
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IRR urges NCOP to vote against the NHI Bill
The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) has warned the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) that approving the National Health Insurance Bill will trigger an ...
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