Pro-investment trade reforms, not punitive protectionism, should be government’s focus - Freight News
24 February 2022 - Economist Wandile Sihlobo recently pointed out that, as 2021 progressed, “numerous reports of infrastructure destruction in the rail system ...
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IRR in the Media
Property rights essential to the investment and growth needed to uplift and empower South Africans – IRR
19 August 2020 - As long as property rights are under threat, foreign investors will continue bypassing South Africa and putting their money into markets ...
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Public education is failing South Africa’s young people – IRR
24 November 2020 - South Africa’s schools are failing dismally to equip nearly enough young people for university, or the job market.
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Put the real culprits on trial while business rebuilds - Politicsweb
26 July 2021 - After the ruin, disgrace, and misery of the recent anarchy, South Africans are witnessing something inspiring as shopping malls are rebuilt, ...
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Racism is more of a problem for politicians than citizens - Businesslive
6 June 2021 - Could it be that the most racist thing in SA in 2021 is the energy squandered on calling out “racism” at the expense of finding solutions to the ...
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IRR in the Media
Ramaphosa’s only ‘success’ is forging ahead with NDR - Biznews
18 February 2021 - Despite the many pious platitudes in last week’s SONA (state-of-the-nation address), the only ‘reforms’ President Cyril Ramaphosa is busy ...
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Rasbehepte wetgewing nie oplossing vir SA se probleme - Maroela Media
7 March 2022 - President Cyril Ramaphosa se onlangse staatsrede het die belangrikheid van die privaat sektor beklemtoon, en hoe dringend dit is dat die ...
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Renewed drive for expropriation without compensation will compromise recovery – IRR
9 October 2020 - Pursuing expropriation without compensation (EWC) represents another tragic mistake for which South Africa will pay a heavy price.
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Renewed effort needed to halt Expropriation Bill
12 August 2022 - South Africans have a little more than a month to call on Members of Parliament to halt the Expropriation Bill that stands to make all the ...
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Right of reply - John Endres: The IRR holds the liberal line against the left - News24
21 September 2021 - The criticism directed at the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) today is not dissimilar to that which it received for endorsing unpopular ...
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