IsiBizNews: Abavoti bayayichitha i-ANC ne-EFF: Funa uguquko lwangempela, hhayi uguquko oluqinile – John Endres - Biznews
Kusukela okhethweni lwangomhla zingama-29 kuNhlaba wezi-2024, kunendaba exoxwayo emelela kabi indlela abantu baseNingizimu Afrika abavota ngayo.
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IRR in the Media
Urgent need for labour law reforms to combat rising unemployment in South Africa - Daily Maverick
Job creation on the scale required in South Africa cannot be achieved under current damaging labour laws. These laws might protect those already in the labour ...
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IRR in the Media
No more SOE bailouts, IRR says, as Auditor-General exposes deep financial problems
The Minister of Public Enterprises told Parliament last year that the taxpayer had forked out more than R270 billion in bailouts for state-owned entities ...
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IRR in the Media
President Ramaphosa has betrayed his promise of economic growth − IRR
President Cyril Ramaphosa’s signing the Expropriation Bill into law last week scraps the multi-party promise of economic growth for a rehash of the same old ...
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IRR in the Media
Greed isn’t the crime: The true scandal is abuse of public power – Ivo Vegter - Biznews
We’re conditioned to be repulsed by at least some of the seven deadly sins, but things are not so simple with greed.
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IRR in the Media
SA not simmering pot of racial hatred – IRR
Contrary to false assumptions pervading much of the debate about Donald Trump’s recent intervention, most South Africans are not obsessed with race and racial ...
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IRR in the Media
Govt inaction on Treasury’s Eskom report risks Stage 10 load-shedding – IRR’s Endres - Biznews
IRR chief executive John Endres shares his insights, highlighting how government’s inaction on risks identified in the report threatens to expand the R2trn ...
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IRR in the Media
30 years after Mandela's Nobel Prize, SA faces stark choice: poverty or growth – IRR
Nelson Mandela’s conviction – expressed in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech 30 years ago this month – that in their new democracy all South Africans ...
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IRR in the Media
Addressing LGBT community’s challenges key to cherishing SA’s progressive Constitution - IRR
Nearly 20 years after the legalisation of same-sex marriage, South Africa’s progressive constitutional framework still chiefly benefits members of the Lesbian, ...
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IRR in the Media
Minimum Wage estimated to have destroyed 430,000 jobs – IRR
IRR Legal has urged the National Minimum Wage (NMW) Commission to reverse its latest recommendation to increase the minimum wage by inflation plus 1.5% in ...
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IRR in the Media