Letter: Scrap BEE to uplift disadvantaged masses - The Star
22 June 2021 - Polling shows that most South Africans do not believe that soft, apartheid-style, race-based policy such as BEE is the best way to improve their ...
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IRR in the Media
Letter: Transformation agenda means SA cannot use its talent pool effectively - Businesslive
11 October 2021 - The most recent unsuccessful bid by jurist extraordinaire David Unterhalter to get onto the shortlist of nominees for a place on the ...
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IRR in the Media
New Employment Equity measures will trigger skills, capital flight – IRR
14 April 2021 - South Africa risks triggering a flight of scarce skills and capital if it presses ahead with amendments to the Employment Equity Act that would ...
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Rasbehepte wetgewing nie oplossing vir SA se probleme - Maroela Media
7 March 2022 - President Cyril Ramaphosa se onlangse staatsrede het die belangrikheid van die privaat sektor beklemtoon, en hoe dringend dit is dat die ...
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IRR in the Media
SA needs a new empowerment model, and the IRR has it - Businesslive
21 September 2020 - Sandile Zungu’s analogy for empowerment policy is intriguing: it is needed, he argues, to “steam the train in the right direction”’ (“BEE ...
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IRR in the Media
Scrap BEE, says new initiative
21 June 2021 - Polling shows that most South Africans do not believe that soft Apartheid-style race-based policy such as BEE is the best way to improve their ...
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Three proposals to #SaveTheEconomy
19 July 2021 - Last week, the Institute of Race Relations launched a campaign to #SaveTheEconomy. Through its Racism Is NOT The Problem initiative, the IRR ...
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