Coalitions and the trickiness of the little guys - Biznews
12 October 2022 - The DA-led coalitions in metros across Gauteng might soon be history, for the time being, as the ANC puts its new support base in place. The ...
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IRR in the Media
Coalitions: The three main enemies of the DA right now - Politicsweb
28 November 2021 - After its limited success in the recent municipal elections, the Democratic Alliance (DA) faces three main enemies. They are the ...
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Compelling the ANC to listen to the people on EWC, land reform, racism, and the NDR - Farming Portal
11 June 2021 - The ANC has always claimed a unique entitlement to act, speak, and rule on behalf of South Africa’s black majority.
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Competence, not colour, the key to progress for all - Post
Andile Mngxitama made headlines recently when he raised the alarm that South Africa might soon - shock, horror! - have a white president again if a coalition ...
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ConCourt election judgment sets worrying precedent - IRR
20 September 2021 - The Constitutional Court has judged that the Electoral Commission’s (IEC) general powers include the power to cancel a deadline on its ...
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ConCourt holds ANC get-out-of-jail card – IRR
1 September 2021 - On Monday 30 August, the ANC sent papers to the Electoral Court asking for an order to reopen the candidate lists for municipal elections, ...
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Confidence and supply as an alternative to a DA/ANC coalition - News24
The most common argument for contemplating a DA/ANC coalition is that it would be far preferable to the ANC coalescing with the Economic Freedom Fighters ...
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Contrasting realities: How Namibians pity South Africa – John Endres - Biznews
Earlier this week I had the opportunity to travel to Namibia. It was an eye-opening experience: Namibians − citizens of a country with one twentieth of the ...
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Corruption is only about a third of the problem - Politicsweb
16 August 2020 - Earlier this month the “stalwarts and veterans” of the African National Congress (ANC) bestirred themselves to commend their party’s ...
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Courts have allowed government too much leeway to violate constitutional rights, new IRR report shows
A new report by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) argues that the strong protections for civil liberty in the Constitution are not always acknowledged or ...
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