Read between the lines to understand the pernicious Expropriation Bill - Farming Portal
In a well-meaning and thoughtful piece (‘Putting the Expropriation Bill into perspective – it’s not the ugly ogre some make it out to be’) Annelize Crosby ...
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IRR in the Media
Zuma’s uMkhonto we Sizwe party threatens ANC dominance ahead of elections: Katzenellenbogen - Biznews
Just months before the election, a new party is upending earlier polls and multiplying the coalition possibilities after May 29th. The uMkhonto we Sizwe Party, ...
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IRR in the Media
IRR publishes first ‘Blueprint for Growth’ paper to ‘arm SA’s pro-growth forces’
Comprehensive policy solutions that chart a viable path to economic growth in South Africa are contained in the first paper of the IRR’s Blueprint for Growth ...
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IRR in the Media
MICHAEL MORRIS: Schools are a nonracialism scapegoat for failure to create better life for all - Business Day
Just more than 30 years ago, historian Colin Bundy asked a pointed question that would likely have puzzled many South Africans at the time, and is likely still ...
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IRR in the Media
Making coalitions work: weight of responsibility rests on ANC - News24
Prior to 2016, coalitions in South Africa were a comparative rarity, with the two most high-profile examples being the DA-led coalition which secured victory ...
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IRR in the Media
IRR: Appoint independent experts to key growth portfolios
Appointing a credible, qualified, and non-partisan individual to lead the Treasury offers a route to depoliticising key cabinet portfolios and allowing merit ...
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IRR in the Media
Prioritising growth key to dispelling cynicism, and turning SA around - Polity
The cynicism pervading the commentary around last week’s State of the Nation Address (SoNA) was entirely predictable, and had been foreshadowed in a stream of ...
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IRR in the Media
South Africa’s political landscape on the brink of transformation: An end of ANC dominance and 2024’s possibilities - Biznews
South Africa finds itself in an economic malaise. In response, the African National Congress (ANC) government has adopted, and is in the process of adopting, ...
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IRR in the Media
SA at a crossroads: Coalition talks determine the nation’s future – Ivo Vegter - Biznews
Pre-election fears about how the ANC would respond to the loss of its parliamentary majority have not been realised.
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Who wins Gauteng will decide SA’s future - Politicsweb
On the website of Stats SA you will find a rather remarkable chart. It redraws the map of South Africa by resizing the provinces in accordance with their ...
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