A chance to save Mandela’s vision - John Endres
The following is an address delivered by IRR CEO Dr John Endres to the Harvard Club in New York City today.
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Be cautious of Thabo Mbeki nostalgia: Terence Corrigan - Biznews
There is a great deal of nostalgia around former President Thabo Mbeki. For millions of South Africans, he embodies post-transition South Africa’s good years. ...
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IRR in the Media
SA’s GNU: A fragile stability facing economic challenges – Katzenellenbogen - Biznews
The country is in a far better place than it was on the eve of the 29 May election. Prior to the election there was a deep uncertainty that, just maybe, the ...
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IRR in the Media
MICHAEL MORRIS: Let’s not allow petty squabbles to eclipse SA’s potential - Business Day
I read a news story last week about Hong Kong officials singling out schools for singing the Chinese national anthem “too softly”, and immediately knew how ...
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IRR in the Media
MICHAEL MORRIS: GNU dynamics prove decisive over education bill - Business Day
In a society justifiably obsessed with granting power to the people, it is remarkable how often scant attention is paid to what the people actually want. You ...
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Watch IRR Projects and Publications Manager Terence Corrigan in this wide-ranging television debate on former President Thabo Mbeki’s concern that the ...
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IRR in the Media
IRR: The President must talk growth in his address today
There is one simple message President Cyril Ramaphosa must give the nation today and that is that the country is aiming for economic growth.
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Letter: Avoiding pitfalls of populism - Business Day
Last week’s election delivered SA a set of unpalatable options.
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South Africa’s complicated democratic legacy: Andrew Kenny - Biznews
“One man, one vote – once!” This was the standard prediction of whites in South Africa and in Rhodesia, as they watched one African country after another ...
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Letter: Sleepwalking to oblivion - Business Day
The ANC’s annual January 8 statement carried a strong resonance of PW Botha’s admonition in the late 1970s: that the National Party — and white South Africans ...
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