Mayhem in the Metros - Biznews
South African ratepayers are in despair as mayoral musical chairs and coalition dramas have led to chaotic governance in many a metro. In this interview with ...
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IRR in the Media
Media alert: IRR webinar to launch new report, In service of the public: Reforming South Africa’s public administration
Public administration in South Africa is in a state of profound crisis. Far from providing an enabling and developmental framework for society and for the ...
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IRR in the Media
Met NGV sal ongekende vlakke van korrupsie plaasvind - Rapport
Oplettende lesers van die nasionale tesourie se 2023-begrotingsoorsig, ’n gepoleerde dokument van 280 bladsye wat Suid-Afrika se staatsfinansies in oorvloedige ...
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IRR in the Media
MICHAEL MORRIS: ANC scandalously sustains apartheid legacy of racial laws - BusinessLIVE
A long march of time separates SA’s Mines & Works Act of 1911 and its Foreign Service Act of 2019. The circumstances in which the first was conceived and ...
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IRR in the Media
MICHAEL MORRIS: ANC’s apartheid rhetoric obscures party’s feats and solutions - Business Day
It would seem the one thing ANC ministers can be given credit for in these desperate times for the governing party is paying attention to the memo from Luthuli ...
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IRR in the Media
MICHAEL MORRIS: Bringing about a new ‘new SA’ requires planning and a steely resolve - BusinessLIVE
As the ANC swirls ever faster into the vortex of oblivion that is, remarkably enough, entirely of its own making, the remainder of SA — which is actually the ...
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IRR in the Media
MICHAEL MORRIS: Cape Town sets benchmark in value-for-money procurements - Business Day
As we contended with yet another bout of unwelcome blackouts last week, a signal City of Cape Town initiative came as a sober reminder of why “wealth-shedding” ...
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IRR in the Media
MICHAEL MORRIS: Citizens can make good choices without coercion - Business Day
As the time for making winning arguments in the 2024 testing election campaign dwindles, it is inescapably tormenting that in the restless, jostling build-up ...
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IRR in the Media
MICHAEL MORRIS: Communities need to stand up to make a difference - Business Day
Like a grimly fascinated outsider, I listened keenly last week to an account of a knifing.
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IRR in the Media
MICHAEL MORRIS: Dealmakers need to keep their fellow South Africans in mind - Business Day
SA’s most important truths are captured with such unassuming understatement in the first line of Business Day’s pre-election editorial last week (“Vote with ...
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