Letter: ANC’s revised deployment strategy equally flawed - Businesslive
23 May 2022 - It would be a mistake to see the proposed changes to the ANC’s deployment strategy as a solution to the crises afflicting the state and SA’s ...
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IRR in the Media
Letter: Attack on IRR gratuitous - BusinessLIVE
Michael Beaumont has grabbed the bull firmly by the udder in attacking the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) because of a piece written by Nicholas Woode-Smith ...
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IRR in the Media
Letter: Avoiding pitfalls of populism - Business Day
Last week’s election delivered SA a set of unpalatable options.
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IRR in the Media
Letter: B4SA should explain what it means by ‘clarity’ on property rights - Businesslive
18 August 2020 - Business for SA’s (B4SA) proposal for post-pandemic recovery has provoked much discussion, in part because an economic strategy centred on the ...
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IRR in the Media
Letter: Beware the ‘coup’ as a means to election theft - Businesslive
28 July 2021 - For all the recent talk of revolution and insurrection, there is only one immediate “coup” threat in town: the proposal to suspend the October ...
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IRR in the Media
Letter: Blade Nzimande muddies the prescribed asset pool - Businesslive
13 January 2021 - At its 2017 national conference the ANC put prescribed assets on the table. The notion was to force financial institutions to invest a share ...
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IRR in the Media
Letter: Cadre deployment is dead — long live it? - Businesslive
1 November 2022 - The release last week of the official strategy for professionalising the state (A National Framework Towards the Professionalisation of the ...
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IRR in the Media
Letter: Cadre deployment part of municipal collapse - Businesslive
7 November 2021 - President Cyril Ramaphosa’s call for maturity and for putting the country before party interests is to be welcomed (“Ramaphosa urges leaders ...
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IRR in the Media
Letter: Changing a school’s ‘educational culture’ has a sinister implication - Businesslive
21 September 2022 - In amending legislation, basic education minister Angie Motshekga intends removing the rights of government school governing bodies (SGBs) ...
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IRR in the Media
Letter: Classic liberalism is the way to prosperity - Businesslive
12 January 2022 - Ebrahim Harvey writes that “liberalism in SA … especially in the midst of an unprecedented socio-economic crisis, will have no political ...
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IRR in the Media