Land bungle busts the myth that the ANC wants to make black South Africans property owners – IRR
28 October 2020 - The ANC’s ideological opposition to allowing black South Africans to become freehold landowners in a prosperous, property-owning democracy ...
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Land is not a low-hanging fruit - News24
28 July 2020 - Former president Kgalema Motlanthe has been one of the more measured voices on the question of land reform.
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Land Issue Can Make Or Break ANC - The Citizen
15 February 2021 - The single most important test on whether the South African government is serious about staging an economic recovery remains its position on ...
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Land not just for the taking - The Citizen
14 September 2022 - "Custodial takings" of private property is the enormous threat to the economy posed by the Expropriation Bill, the draft law set to be ...
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Land se politieke ‘onse’ en ‘hulles’' - Rapport
Een van die basisaannames van ons politiek is dat mense stamgebonde tropkiesers is. Ons kiesers, volgens hierdie denkskool, is netjies verdeel in ń klomp ...
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Latest IRR reports assess ANC and DA economic policy proposals
How South Africa’s two biggest parties, the ANC and the DA, shape up in meeting the primary national challenge of stimulating economic growth is the thrust of ...
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Legislative gridlock warning for South Africa
Lawmaking could be hampered or even made impossible if next week’s election results in a hung parliament.
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Letter to the Editor | Rate Groenewald on how he does his duties, not his ideological standing - News24
According to the Economic Freedom Fighters' Anthony Matumba ("Groenewald's appointment is a betrayal of the people", 10 July), the appointment of Pieter ...
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Letter: A social compact will not change anything - Financial Mail
18 August 2022 - The malaise evident in the ANC policy conference is even worse than Claire Bisseker describes (Features, August 4-10) — and her description is ...
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Letter: ActionSA must shun the ruling party’s energetic little calf - Businesslive
10 November 2021 - I would like to add my bit to Institute of Race Relations (IRR) CEO Frans Cronje’s letter expanding on the thesis of a weary buffalo, namely ...
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