Is Gordhan just making the right noises in asking Solidarity for help? - Businesslive
24 July 2022 - One of the most revealing things about public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan’s letter to Solidarity head Dirk Hermann, asking for help in ...
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IRR in the Media
Is something rotten in the state? - News24
15 August 2021 - Postponing October’s local government elections can simply not be allowed to happen, as it would signify that our Constitution has been ...
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Is South Africa ready for an insurgent political party? – Marius Roodt - Biznews
Dutch politics were shaken last month when a party, barely four years old, emerged as the single biggest in the country’s provincial elections.
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Is the DA abandoning its values in the GNU?: Martin van Staden - Biznews
Almost three decades ago, the erstwhile Democratic Party (DP) campaigned on a motto of “Freedom, Free Enterprise, Federalism.” Today – when those three things ...
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IsiBizNews: Abavoti bayayichitha i-ANC ne-EFF: Funa uguquko lwangempela, hhayi uguquko oluqinile – John Endres - Biznews
Kusukela okhethweni lwangomhla zingama-29 kuNhlaba wezi-2024, kunendaba exoxwayo emelela kabi indlela abantu baseNingizimu Afrika abavota ngayo.
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IRR in the Media
It’s now up to NCOP to shield SA from grave EWC risks – IRR
29 September 2022 - For the second time in as many days, the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) calls on the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) to speak up ...
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It’s simple (but expensive) - Politicsweb
In 2024, with any luck, the Multi-Party Charter, or some other configuration of opposition parties, will take over the reins of central government, or at least ...
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It’s time for fresh thinking on governance options, like a non-coalition cooperation agreement - Daily Maverick
Five years of ANC-EFF government – or some permutation – could well leave devastation and institutional damage that would take decades to repair.
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Ivo Vegter on Malema’s violent rhetoric – Defeating the demagogue’s agenda at the ballot box - Biznews
At the height of the EFF’s 10th anniversary festivities, Julius Malema once again exhorted the crowd to ‘shoot to kill’.
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Ivo Vegter on the DA – ‘Swart gevaar’: Smearing SA’s only hope - Biznews
One can criticise the Democratic Alliance (DA) over many things, but yelling ‘racism’ at every turn is both false and dangerously counter-productive.
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