Wild dogs have sniffed the ANC’s weaknesses and are rightly closing in - Businesslive
7 November 2021 - Battered South Africans could be forgiven for willing the leaders of the major parties to heed President Cyril Ramaphosa’s avuncular plea to ...
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Will Business Speak Out As Their Clients Are Threatened? - Rational Standard
17 July 2020 - Evidence is mounting that to try and stave off fiscal disaster, South Africans will soon be facing the confiscation of parts of their pensions ...
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Will South Africa ever ditch race-based politics? - Biznews
26 August 2022 - Race is South Africa’s eternal fault line. Nearly everything in this country is viewed through the prism of race, from who our politicians ...
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Yes, we do have a choice - Newsi
16 August 2022 - At an address at the University of Pretoria last week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken set out a vision for a partnership between his ...
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Yet to develop traction, Cape Independence may see support as dissatisfaction grows – Katzenellenbogen - Biznews
23 June 2021 - The movement for the independence of the Western Cape has yet to develop serious traction – but growing levels of dissatisfaction might yet see ...
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Zondo commission report: An important omission in Ramaphosa’s address - The Citizen
28 October 2022 - Imagine for a moment the Jurassic World franchise stripping out all mention of genetics. Or the Alien films dispensing with the space travel. ...
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Zuma: the end of the beginning? - Politicsweb
12 July 2021 - After the British and their many allies had defeated Erwin Rommel at the second Battle of Alamein in October and November 1942, Winston ...
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The Race card: All that the ANC has left – Ivo Vegter - Biznews
Fikile Mbalula, unable to answer criticism of the ANC, is reduced to denouncing its critics as racists and apartheid apologists.
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SA’s ideological divide: Only business can end poverty – Andrew Kenny - Biznews
The turmoil and angry arguments in the aftermath of the election of 29 May demonstrate the profound division in the ideology of South African politics. This is ...
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MICHAEL MORRIS: Bringing about a new ‘new SA’ requires planning and a steely resolve - BusinessLIVE
As the ANC swirls ever faster into the vortex of oblivion that is, remarkably enough, entirely of its own making, the remainder of SA — which is actually the ...
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