Election crossroads: What an ANC-DA coalition could mean for South Africa – Shawn Hagedorn - Biznews
Thirty years ago, the results of our first legitimate election seemed to maximise contentment. This year’s voting could be our last legitimate election and ...
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IRR in the Media
DA burning flag ad sparks debate on free speech and national identity – Sara Gon - Biznews
The journalistic left and academia, together with hypocritical bog-standard ANC electioneers, have lost their collective virtue signalling minds.
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Anthea Jeffery on the Multiparty Charter: Uniting for growth, challenging socialist legacy - Biznews
The Multiparty Charter embraced last week by the Democratic Alliance, the Inkatha Freedom Party, Action SA, the Freedom Front Plus and three other political ...
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Finding citizenship, again - Politicsweb
Freedom Day came and went without much fanfare, a commemoration of sorts, but hardly a celebration. It’s been 29 years since the 1994 transition: sufficient ...
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Gryp die oomblik aan: DA moenie in dieselfde strik as David Cameron trap - Rapport
Die DA se ongekende veto van die nasionale begroting skep ’n sonderlinge geleentheid wat die party nie durf verspeel nie, skryf Hermann Pretorius met verwysing ...
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Latest IRR reports assess ANC and DA economic policy proposals
How South Africa’s two biggest parties, the ANC and the DA, shape up in meeting the primary national challenge of stimulating economic growth is the thrust of ...
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Government spending on traditional leaders sparks controversy - Biznews
Why the South African government pays traditional leaders’ wages is incomprehensible, as is the fact that the government also purchases their cars. It has been ...
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IsiBizNews: Abavoti bayayichitha i-ANC ne-EFF: Funa uguquko lwangempela, hhayi uguquko oluqinile – John Endres - Biznews
Kusukela okhethweni lwangomhla zingama-29 kuNhlaba wezi-2024, kunendaba exoxwayo emelela kabi indlela abantu baseNingizimu Afrika abavota ngayo.
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ANC’s betrayal: From liberation to inequality – the soaring wealth gap in South Africa: Andrew Kenny - Biznews
Thirty years of ANC rule have brought massive inequality to South Africa.
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Coalition ructions part of democratic process - Sunday Independent
Coalitions used to be something of a rarity in South African politics, but – especially since the 2016 local government elections (LGE) – have become fairly ...
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