Yes, we do have a choice - Newsi
16 August 2022 - At an address at the University of Pretoria last week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken set out a vision for a partnership between his ...
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Zondo commission report: An important omission in Ramaphosa’s address - The Citizen
28 October 2022 - Imagine for a moment the Jurassic World franchise stripping out all mention of genetics. Or the Alien films dispensing with the space travel. ...
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Zuma: the end of the beginning? - Politicsweb
12 July 2021 - After the British and their many allies had defeated Erwin Rommel at the second Battle of Alamein in October and November 1942, Winston ...
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Letter: Ditch social compact and change tack - BusinessLIVE
The president’s state of the nation address (Sona) provides an annual “opportunity” (an SA cliché if ever there was one) to review past successes and failures, ...
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Vegter – Ramaphosa’s SONA falls short of hope and resilience - Biznews
Ramaphosa probably gave the best speech he could have, given the circumstances, his ideological straitjacket, and his complete lack of spine. It didn’t inspire ...
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Andrew Kenny: Who else does the ANC expect South Africans to blame? - Biznews
The DA has decided that our electricity calamity is a political issue. Good. Electricity is now a political issue; it wasn’t before 1994; the ANC has made it ...
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Letter: Official ideology tests the limits - The Citizen
President Ramaphosa attracted some ridicule for his remarks last week that it was possible to live without electricity, but not without water. In fact, neither ...
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Beware of Greens bearing gifts - Politicsweb
8 November 2021 - Three weeks ago this column suggested that rich countries would do a “decarbonisation” deal with South Africa and then pull that deal like a ...
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Brief: Cyril se ‘ons’ ly oor beleid wat verarm - Rapport
10 April 2022 - In sy nuusbrief van 4 April sê pres. Cyril Ramaphosa oor die SAID se aankondiging dat hy tussen April 2021 en Maart 2022 meer as R1 564 miljard ...
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Cadre deployment: A seminal moment for us all - News24
1 July 2022 - News24 readers are indebted to Gwede Mantashe and Siya Khumalo for expanding the conversation around the African National Congress' policy and ...
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