A complicated reality on SA’s farms - Politicsweb
I doubt that Yvonne Busisiwe Phyllis would find much common ground with me. She is a director of The Forge, which describes itself as ‘a mixed-use space for ...
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IRR in the Media
Abalone poaching: Organised crime and corruption devastate SA’s coasts – Corrigan - Biznews
Haliotis midae – abalone or perlemoen – is a large sea snail found along South Africa’s coast, particularly in the Western and Eastern Cape. It is the ...
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IRR in the Media
Addressing LGBT community’s challenges key to cherishing SA’s progressive Constitution - IRR
Nearly 20 years after the legalisation of same-sex marriage, South Africa’s progressive constitutional framework still chiefly benefits members of the Lesbian, ...
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IRR in the Media
Cowards and thugs: The reign of ‘Taxi Mafia’ terror in South Africa’s lawless streets – Andrew Kenny - Biznews
The South African nation is divided into thugs and cowards. Most of us are cowards. The thugs menace the cowards, rob them and humiliate them. The cowards ...
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IRR in the Media
Crime key impediment to growth – IRR
Crime is one of the biggest drags on economic growth and a serious obstacle in the way of South Africa reaching its full potential.
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Crime: The violent seizure of SA’s growth prospects - Politicsweb
South Africa is a violent society. It has one of the highest rates of murder in the world, along with dreadful levels of less lethal but nonetheless ...
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Cybercrime / The phantom kidnappers of South Africa’s digital economy - Enact Observer
Protected by online anonymity, cybercriminals are extorting huge sums from companies. How should businesses prevent this, and how should they respond?
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Die strafregstelsel moet gekapasiteer word - Maroela Media
Suid-Afrika sit met een van die hoogste syfers vir geweldsmisdaad ter wêreld, wat dit noodsaaklik maak dat die regering sterker op die sekuriteit en vrede van ...
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IRR in the Media
Fauna / From Hangberg to Hong Kong: organised crime and abalone trafficking - Enact Observer
The illegal perlemoen trade is connecting South Africa’s poor coastal communities with diners in upmarket Hong Kong restaurants.
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Flags and threats: A liberal rumination on the limits of free expression - Politicsweb
Julius Malema did it again – he threatened genocidal violence as a crowd cheered him on. Somewhere, a hypothetical Oom Frikkie also displayed the 1928 South ...
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