The costs of flirting with the Dark Side - Politicsweb
In seeking to reignite the fervour of its revolutionary past, the ANC and the government it leads is playing a high-stakes game.
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Malema’s threats of force and the liberal order’s rules of the game - Politicsweb
‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words shall never hurt me,’ is a crucially important lesson that all parents and educators must continue to teach ...
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Andrew Kenny on Anthea Jeffery’s Countdown to Socialism – Illuminating the ANC’s disastrous path - Biznews
I’m afraid I lack the ability to do justice to this, the most important book I’ve read on South Africa for years. It is COUNTDOWN TO SOCIALISM: The National ...
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MICHAEL MORRIS: Democracy in spotlight amid UK’s new definition of extremism - Business Day
Debate in the UK in recent days on how to confront extremist threats to what Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called “our values and ... our democratic traditions” ...
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Employment Equity Amendment Act – destined for disaster - Biznews
The President recently signed the Employment Equity Amendment Act (EEAA) into law, ostensibly to improve ‘transformation’ in the private sector.
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Blinken must be frank on EWC
8 August 2022 - US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is touring South Africa and should follow precedent to offer clear warnings against the erosion of private ...
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Cele’s tirade offers lesson in race relations
8 July 2022 - Not unusually, the viral video of the week involves an allegation of racism in South Africa, this time from Police Minister Bheki Cele, directed ...
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Challenges facing the children of the “woke” - Politicsweb
21 August 2020 - What kind of children are “woke” parents breeding? Misfits? Guilt-ridden vegans? Rebels?
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Changing Constitution to allow land expropriation is ‘dangerous’ in face of Covid-19 - Biznews
1 April 2021 - Last week the Ad Hoc Committee charged with drafting the expropriation without compensation (EWC) constitutional amendment bill (the Bill) ...
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