Appeasement in advance: Terence Corrigan on David Teeger’s demotion as u19 Proteas captain - Biznews
Sports-mad South Africa has a voracious appetite for news of all types about the affairs of its pitches, courts, and fields, and an emotional response to ...
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IRR in the Media
Free speech is the best weapon against hate speech - Daily Maverick
The hate speech bill is unconstitutional and unnecessary. Government should instead bring the hate speech provisions in the Promotion of Equality and ...
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IRR in the Media
Courts have allowed government too much leeway to violate constitutional rights, new IRR report shows
A new report by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) argues that the strong protections for civil liberty in the Constitution are not always acknowledged or ...
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IRR in the Media
Andrew Kenny: Assessing the UK’s NHS against the potential NHI Bill - Biznews
The National Health Service (NHS) of the UK was born 75 years ago, on 5 July 1948. I was born a month before, on 5 June 1948 in a maternity clinic in Glasgow. ...
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IRR in the Media
Letter: Musk vs Malema: what do you say, Mr President? - BusinessLIVE
Weighing in on the EFF’s conduct at its anniversary rally — party leader Julius Malema led a crowd in chanting “shoot to kill” and “kill the Boer, the farmer” ...
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IRR in the Media
Does the government want to CENSOR your TikTok? | Freedom FANatics Ep. 38
The FAN crew discusses the recently approved Films and Publications Amendment Act and what this means for your freedom to share content online. We also reflect ...
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To see liberty thrive - Politicsweb
I suspect the main reason why liberalism is so much stronger and more enduring than the fiercer (and all too often indistinguishable) ideologies to its left ...
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IRR in the Media
Letter: BEE is more akin to blatant elite enrichment - BusinessLIVE
“BEE” is not and has never been about black economic empowerment. Instead, it is more akin to blatant elite enrichment. It is therefore heartening that Andile ...
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IRR in the Media
Andrew Kenny: “Kill the boer” and the complexities of free speech - Biznews
After Julius Malema had chanted ‘Shoot to kill! Kill the Boer, the farmer! Kill the Boer, the farmer! Brrrr! Pah! Pah!’ to thunderous applause in front of a ...
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IRR in the Media
Flags and threats: A liberal rumination on the limits of free expression - Politicsweb
Julius Malema did it again – he threatened genocidal violence as a crowd cheered him on. Somewhere, a hypothetical Oom Frikkie also displayed the 1928 South ...
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IRR in the Media