Letter: Why Unterhalter won't get the nod - The Citizen
11 April 2022 - A waggish colleague of mine made the following sage but sad “3-rule observation”: 1.The Dalai Lama will never be allowed into South Africa; ...
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Lift the lockdown, #FreeYourFace
21 June 2022 - Yesterday Health Minister Joe Phaahla proposed to the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC) that regulations which impose mask-wearing, ...
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Online media briefing: Civil liberty in SA today
The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) will host an online media briefing on Wednesday at 10am on its latest report, Civil Liberty in South Africa: Freedom ...
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Sara Gon: Is racism in the eye of the powerful only? - Biznews
IOL, owned and controlled (an understatement!) by Iqbal Survé, embarked on an impressive act of trawling the internet for a post that was put on YouTube on 11 ...
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Online regulation: beware turning over the skeleton key to privacy
An increasingly digitised world holds great possibilities for all of us – but also great risks. One of these is the erosion of privacy. To deal with dangers ...
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‘Wokeness’ bedreig demokrasieë - Afrikanerbond
2 June 2021 - Karl Marx het die Kommunistiese Manifes ingelui met die woorde 'ʼn Skrikgedaante spook by Europa – die spook van die Kommunisme'. Dit is 'n ...
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“Pencil-test procurement” pause proves the point
25 March 2022 - Treasury has granted exemptions from race-based procurement tests for new contracts offered by Eskom and Transnet – as recommended by the IRR – ...
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A risk in the coming week - South Africa - Farming Portal
13 September 2022 - In the coming days, on the 14th to be precise, the Parliamentary Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure will decide on the wording of ...
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ANC changes to ‘Pepuda’ act might have curious effect of making BEE illegal – John Endres - Biznews
5 July 2021 - The ANC government is updating the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, colloquially referred to as Pepuda. The ...
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ANC signals triple threat to peaceful handover – IRR
3 September 2021 - The ANC has three major reasons to expect eye-watering electoral losses this year. First, party support declined by 8 basis points to 53.9% ...
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