Media Releases

Press release: "Imperative to root out arms deal corruption" - SAIRR, 5 May 2011.

“President Jacob Zuma has a constitutional obligation to take effective action against corruption. This includes the corruption which appears to have accompanied the 1999 arms deal,” says the South African Institute of Race Relations (the Institute), which has been admitted as an amicus curiae (friend of the court) in a case before the Constitutional Court today.

Racial goodwill in South Africa an important reason for hope

20 March 2018 - The IRR celebrates Human Rights Day with the release of its latest research showing that relations between South Africans of different races are mainly positive, with an overwhelming majority believing that ‘the different races need each other for progress and there should be equal opportunities for all’.

Racism of “the worst order” in the BEE generic codes?

10 June 2015 – In an article published today in BizNews, the IRR points out that the Government seems to have quietly amended the BEE codes to discourage the appointment of Indian and so-called ‘coloured’ people to senior posts.

Rape plague terrorises SA women, children – IRR report

13 June 2017 – More than 300 000 adult women reported being raped or sexually assaulted in South Africa over the past decade although the actual number is very much higher. This finding comes from the latest South Africa Survey published by the IRR last week.

Residents of Gauteng metros least reliant on grants

16 April 2018 - Households in Gauteng’s three metropolitan areas rely less on social grants than those in the five metropolitan areas located in other provinces, according to data in the 2018 South Africa Survey.

Rethinking urban mobility to provide real choices and resources for all

06 April 2018 - Effective planning in South Africa’s metros must incorporate the everyday and often-changing needs, desires and decisions of ordinary people, according to the latest research report from the IRR, Rethinking Mobility – Spatial Planning that enables transportation and technology in South African Metros.

SA government doing more to hinder than to help

4 May 2015 – Contrary to what it claims, the Government is doing more to hinder than to help young people participate in the economy, says the South African Institute of Race Relations (IRR).

SA government marches towards fiscal cliff

30 January 2015 – A Fast Facts report released by the IRR found that despite taking a larger and larger chunk of the proceeds of the hard work of ordinary South Africans, the government is running out of money. Only higher levels of economic growth can save it from the approaching fiscal cliff.