Latest from the IRR

Press Release: Too few maths teachers - 17th April 2013.

A total of 84 high schools across the country did not offer mathematics for grade 10, 11 and 12 in the 2012 academic year, primarily as a result of a shortage of suitably qualified maths teachers. This accounts for 1.3% of all high schools (public and independent) that wrote the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination last year.

Press Release: Billions lost due to strikes - 11th April 2013.

Just over R10bn was lost in gold and platinum production during the mining sector stoppages in the 2012/2013 financial year. An additional R180m was lost in coal production during the same period. The total value of production lost across all sectors of mining amounted to R15.3bn.

Press Release: White men still top of the pay scale - 2nd April 2013.

South Africa’s highest-paid employees are, on average, white men who live in Gauteng, work in the community and social services industry (including government) in skilled jobs, belong to a union, and are between 55 and 64 years of age. This is according to the latest South Africa Survey, published by the South African Institute of Race Relations in Johannesburg.

Press Release: Where do all the condoms go? 27th March 2013.

The condom distribution target was missed by 60% in the 2011/12 financial year according to the South African Institute of Race Relations. Some 399 million condoms, both male and female, were distributed, against a target of just over one billion.

Press Release: New mining bill could send SA tumbling further down ‘Fraser’ index - 13 March 2013.

South Africa has recently dropped to 64th out of 96 on the 2012-2013 Fraser Institute’s international policy potential index, which measures the attractiveness to investors of different mining countries. “If the draft Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Bill of 2012 (the Bill) is made law, the country’s score is sure to tumble further,” says the South African Institute of Race Relations. “For the Bill ignores economic reality, while giving the mining minister many more discretionary powers.”

Press Release: Unionisation buoyed by public sector - 4th March 2013.

A third of all workers in the formal, non-agricultural sector in South Africa belong to a trade union. This is according to figures compiled by the South African Institute of Race Relations. By contrast, the rate of unionisation in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) group of countries in 2011 was 18%. The rate of unionisation refers to the percentage of workers belonging to a trade union as a proportion of total people employed.

Press Release: Walking down the aisle a path less travelled - 6th February 2013.

The number of marriages registered every year is declining despite an increasing population. Over a period of close to a decade, the number of civil and customary marriages registered every year has dropped by nearly 10%. This is according to the latest South Africa Survey, published by the South African Institute of Race Relations in Johannesburg recently.

Press Release: Independent and opposition candidates gain as the ANC sees a net loss at by-elections - 5th February 2013.

The African National Congress (ANC) and the National Freedom Party (NFP) experienced net losses in the 12 sets of by-elections held between the May 2011 local government election and November 2012. The Democratic Alliance (DA) and the Congress of the People (Cope) have seen net gains, according to the South Africa Survey, recently published by the South African Institute of Race Relations in Johannesburg.

Press Release: Disappearing domestic workers - 31st January 2013.

The number of domestic workers in South Africa has declined over the past ten years according to data published by the South African Institute of Race Relations in its annual South Africa Survey this month. The number of domestic workers declined from 1 215 000 in 2003 to 1 153 000 in 2012, or by 5%.

Press Release: Sasolburg: Metsimaholo local municipality in numbers - 22nd January 2013.

Currently there are violent protests in the town of Sasolburg, situated in the Metsimaholo local municipality (Free State). The protests centre on plans to include Sasolburg in the neighboring Ngwathe local municipality and not in the current Metsimaholo local municipality. Information compiled by the South African Institute of Race Relations provides a profile of the Metsimaholo municipality.