Latest from the IRR

Press Release: Racial transformation not 'complete failure' - 12th September 2013.

A report released this morning by the South African Institute of Race Relations tracks the performance of black people in the economy and broader society over several decades, with a special emphasis on the post-1994 period. It suggests that the widely held notion that racial transformation in South Africa has failed is not true - although much still needs to be done to create opportunities for black people.

'DTI equals Destruction of Trade and Industry' - Business Day, 29th April 2013.

In his fortnightly column in Business Day, the Institute's CEO, John Kane-Berman, says that the Licensing of Business Bill of 2013 is another step closer to bringing about a 'national democratic society' through the National Democratic Revolution. The ANC recommitted itself to this objective at the national conference in Mangaung in December last year.

Press Release: Ten years for unlicensed hawking - 24th April 2013.

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has unveiled plans to restrict hawking which go far beyond anything the National Party government did in its efforts to control black business, says the South African Institute of Race Relations in a submission made to the DTI last week.