Latest from the IRR

Press Release: Pupils also seek greener pastures

A combined total of 153 392 school-aged children between 6 and 18 left the Eastern Cape, the Free State, Limpopo, and the North West between 2001 and 2007, but only 90 998 moved into those provinces.

Today pie in the sky, tomorrow on the policy agenda - Saturday Star 8 March 2014

The South African Institute of Race Relations (IRR) recently published a "twelve-point plan for a better South Africa". We were accused of casting "pearls before swine" and told that "the establishment is dead set against each and every point of this pie-in-the-sky plan". Maybe. But it is not unusual for governments to adopt plans they once dismissed.

Press Release: Electricity the fastest delivered basic service

Households were connected to the electricity grid faster than they received housing, water, and sanitation services, according to the latest South Africa Survey, published by the South African Institute of Race Relations (IRR) in Johannesburg recently.

Press Release: Extended households record short-term leap

Extended household numbers rose sharply by almost a million in just two years and were the only type of household to experience growth, according to the latest South Africa Survey, published by the South African Institute of Race Relations (IRR) last week.

Press release: IRR’s South Africa Survey launches in Johannesburg today

A special edition of the South Africa Survey in honour of Nelson Mandela was launched by the South African Institute of Race Relations (IRR) in Johannesburg today. The Survey is the annual yearbook on all social, economic, and political aspects of South Africa that the IRR has been publishing since 1946.