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South Africa slips in the 2016 Freedom Index

3 February 2016 – South Africa saw its economic freedom score slip from 62.6 to 61.9 in the latest Index of Economic Freedom report released by the Heritage Foundation in Washington this week.

Telecoms–USAL – Polity, 25 January 2016

In its endeavours to deploy Information and Communications Technology (ICT) services in previously disadvantaged areas, the African National Congress (ANC) government introduced the Under-Serviced Area License (USAL).

Why SA needs national pride projects – Moneyweb, 20 January 2016

Although I am a devout advocate of free market principles, one who agitates for less government input and less regulation, I believe that entrepreneurs and the private sector can thrive where the government is strong in terms of providing a conducive environment for individuals and enterprises to thrive.

When all else fails, legislate – Politicsweb, 15 January 2016

Nelson Mandela was neither the hero nor the icon that the world worshipped, but he did understand that more was to be gained by trying to promote unity than to fuel the fans of mindless racism to score political points. But the party which has been diminished most by these events is the ANC.

SA on edge of a skills cliff – The Herald, 29 December 2015

The last generations of South Africans that include a significant proportion of highly skilled personnel, whether employed in the public or private sectors, are reaching retirement. The large numbers of academics, doctors, dentists, welders, engineers, plumbers and electricians of the 1950s and 1960s moving into retirement will bring South Africa to a skills cliff.

There's a hole in the job bucket

23 December 2015 – "The report found that young black people bear most of the brunt of unemployment and that only policy reform could break South Africa’s unemployment challenge."

Dis tyd dat die Britse regering verskoning vra – Rapport, 5 December 2015

"’n 21-jarige meisie het sterwend op ’n voubedjie gelê. Die vader, ’n groot, sagsinnige Boer, het langs haar gekniel terwyl sy vrou in die volgende tent waggehou het oor ’n sesjarige kind, ook sterwend, en nog ’n kwynende kind van omtrent vyf. Hierdie paartjie het reeds drie kinders in die hospitaal verloor en kon dus nie moed opgee met hierdie kinders nie, hoewel ek hard gesoebat het om hulle uit die warm tent uit te kry."

Re-assessing the reaction to re-assessing climate change – Daily Maverick, 3 December 2015

Our job is to cut through forced consensus, fear and place policy issues in the public domain. We exist to test the most cherished of opinions where they impact on the decisions of our government, and challenge well-funded lobby groups. Where it prevents the South African government from taking sound energy and economic decisions, the global climate lobby is a hindrance to our development.