Latest from the IRR

Cyber regulation: a better approach – IT Web, 9 March 2016

In his response to the debate on the 2016 State of the Nation Address, president Jacob Zuma reiterated Parliament will consider the promulgation of the Cyber Crimes and Related Matters Bill during the first half of this year. The South African Institute of Race Relations (IRR) has concerns with this Bill.

#Budget2016 – IRR’s sobering reality. FinMin undershot, stagflation likely outcome – BizNews, 24 February 2016

Following Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan’s budget speech, industry veteran Ian Cruickshanks applied his mind to the outcome. He says despite Gordhan saying that South Africa is “imaginative and resilient enough” to turn the economy around and that “we need action and not just words”, the steps announced did not go nearly far enough to halt and reverse South Africa’s economic decline. In this fantastic analysis the Institute of Race Relations Chief Economist provides a sobering reality check of what to expect from the economy in 2016. – Stuart Lowman

URGENT NOTICE: Professor Jonathan Jansen book launch cancellation

23 February 2016 – It is with the greatest regret that events on the campus of the University of the Free State last night have forced Professor Jonathan Jansen to postpone his book launch this coming Friday evening, 26 February 2016. The Professor needs to devote his full attention to his campus at this time.

Government lags in employment equity – IRR

18 February 2016 – The South Africa Survey 2016, released by the IRR this month, shows that national government departments and parastatals lag far behind provincial and local government in employment equity.

ANC claims do not gel with policies – Business Day, 4 February 2016

AFRICAN National Congress (ANC) secretary-general Gwede Mantashe says the governing party is concerned about the prospects for recession and further ratings downgrades, and that the government must do everything possible to stage a growth recovery. In practice, quite the opposite is happening — the policies of the government seem almost calculated to engineer a recession.