Latest from the IRR

IRR launches new National Growth Strategy for South Africa

27 May 2016 - The IRR has drafted a new economic recovery plan for South Africa called the National Growth Strategy or NGS. The NGS is an economic recovery plan that has been drafted by the policy team at the IRR to be implemented over the period 2016 to 2019 as the basis of a long term economic recovery targeting GDP growth levels of 7% of GDP by the end of the decade.

Bringing land reform down to earth

26 May 2016 – Neither land nor farming should be romanticised. Entrepreneurship is critical to turning an inert and often barren, dry, and rocky piece of land into a productive farm. But land itself is only the starting point: without all the other inputs – from finance for seeds and fertiliser and implements, to water rights, access to markets, and know-how – no farmer will produce very much.

Land reform without tears

24 May 2016 – Miraculously, despite the Land Acts, South Africa is in the fortunate position that demand for farm land can probably be met without the disruptions, risks, and costs of radical redistribution.

Ideologies will give way to reform – Business Day, 4 May 2016

Events of the past two weeks have not been good for SA’s prospects of staging an economic recovery. Key Cabinet ministers put on display the worst aspects of an ideologically obstinate government acting very much against the best interests of the country.