Latest from the IRR

Shifting from BEE (for the few) to EED (for the many) in the vital mining sector

18 August - The Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) intends to finalise its draft mining charter within the next two months. Thus far, it shows little sign of compromising on proposed BEE rules that raise the risk of mining in South Africa into the stratosphere, notes the IRR in a new issue of its @Liberty policy bulletin published on 16 August.

The draft mining charter goes way beyond the generic BEE codes

17 August - The Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) says that the draft mining charter it put forward in April this year is needed to align BEE obligations in mining with the generic codes. However, the draft charter often goes way beyond what the generic codes require, notes the IRR in a new issue of its @Liberty policy bulletin published yesterday.

IRR Press Release - ANC faces national defeat in 2019

5 August 2016 - The IRR says that the performance of the African National Congress (ANC) in the recent local elections raises the spectre of that party losing its national majority in the 2019 national and provincial elections.

Why the Post Office was right to fire strikers – Business Day, 10 July 2016

THE South African Post Office (Sapo) has correctly dismissed 228 employees for embarking on an unprotected strike in June. The unlawful strike was organised by the quaintly named Influential Information and Communication Union of SA (IICUOSA), to raise "concerns about the parastatal’s decision to suspend its secretary-general Gibson Ramoadi".