Latest from the IRR

LETTER: Zuma not only issue – Business Day, 21 September 2016

The cadre deployment policy that enables corruption retains the support of many of Zuma’s critics. Racial preferencing laws that increase the costs of goods and services and allow inexperienced people to be promoted to jobs they cannot do will not be repealed when Zuma goes.

Give the job to real capitalists, not pseudo-capitalists

20 September 2016 - South Africa's major state-owned companies should be removed from the control of "pseudo-capitalists" and sold to real ones. This is one of the key arguments put forward by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) in a paper entitled Privatisation or Bust released in Johannesburg today.

No convincing health rationale for the sugar tax

15 September 2016 - The National Treasury has no convincing reason to believe that its proposed 20% excise tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) will be effective against obesity, says the IRR in a policy paper on the proposed tax, published yesterday.

Why does UCT never get it right? – BizNews, 8 September 2016

Dr. Max Price, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Town has recently (28 August) released his regular letter to students and staff, “From the VC’s Desk”, to explain the university’s current position on fee increases, ahead of an announcement by the Minister of Higher Education.

#OccupyLuthuliHouse – An ominous deployment of Umkhonto war vets – BizNews, 8 September 2016

On Monday 5th September hundreds of “veterans” of the ANC’s people’s war gathered outside Luthuli House to intimidate and attack around 80 protesters demanding the recall of President Jacob Zuma, the resignation of the ANC’s national executive committee (NEC), and the holding of a consultative conference before the end of 2016. The protesters blame Mr Zuma and the NEC for the ruling party’s poor performance in the recent local government elections.

Winning the war on crime

6 September 2016 - The IRR has released a report titled “Winning the War on Crime in South Africa: A new Approach Community Policing”. The report sought to explore the crime-prevention options open to a society in which the police had proved unable to offer adequate safety and security.

Stepping towards a ‘Nanny State’? Why sugar tax should be avoided. – BizNews, 31 August 2016

If government and a few paternalistic nannies get their way, from April, next year, we will all be paying 20 percent more for a can of our favourite cold-drink and any other sugar sweetened beverages (SSBs). Apart from the fact that a tax targeted at SSBs is clearly discriminatory and arbitrary, what governments the world over fail to recognise is that what people do with their own bodies is none of the state’s business.

IRR welcomes Pretoria Girls High investigation

31 August 2016 - "The Institute of Race Relations is deeply concerned about the allegations of racism levelled at the management of the Pretoria High School for Girls in applying purported discriminatory practices regarding the application of the school’s hair policy."