
Politicians should strive for less, not more, government
Tariq Khan
Sep 18, 2021

South Africa’s politicians need to implement innovative policies that can encourage citizens to improve their own circumstances. A characteristic of these policies is that the involvement of politicians is kept to a minimum.

Communism: Where freedom goes to die (Part 1)
Tariq Khan
Sep 12, 2021

Premised on central control of the economy, the political ideology of Communism is the antithesis of freedom. The case study of North Korea is a clear example of this.

Six good reasons to fight National Health Insurance
Tariq Khan
Sep 11, 2021

National Health Insurance (NHI) will reduce everyone’s freedom and sharply curtail their healthcare choices. Here are six reasons for rejecting a measure that would destroy our health system and our freedom to make our own healthcare decisions.

7 reasons why South Africa needs school choice vouchers
Tariq Khan
Sep 05, 2021

School choice vouchers are an effective way of empowering disadvantaged families to have a greater say over their children’s education. Here are seven ways South Africa would benefit from this voucher system.