Endorse the IRR’s Community Safety Charter

Crime in South Africa has reached epidemic levels. Nearly 60 people are murdered every day, and rates of sexual violence are even higher. At the same time crime against vulnerable groups, like women, farmers, and foreign nationals looks to be on the increase.

More worryingly, it is the police who are often involved in these crimes. But the IRR is a proposing a number of interventions to change this situation. The IRR proposes to: Increase staffing and resources for FCS units and expert prosecutors; Improve process of applying for and enforcing protection orders; Expedite process of applying for and being granted firearm licenses for self defence; Enquiry and public hearings into criminality within the police; Make all police and prosecutorial appoints on merit alone; Increase powers of CPFs; Allow communities power to elect station commanders; and Employ private sector expertise in policing.

Help the IRR by supporting these proposals which we will present to the President and the Minister of Police.

South Africa’s level of crime has reached a crisis point and this is aided by criminality within the police itself. You can read our three Broken Blue Line reports here, here, and here, to see how badly our police are failing ordinary citizens. You can also read our solutions which are also laid out at the top of this page.

If you want to help turn the tide on crime support the IRR. The more people that support our proposal the greater our chance of success in changing government policy and creating a country which is prosperous and safe for all who live in it.