Social Compact or no Social Compact: that is the question - Biznews
1 August 2022 - In his State of the Nation Address, President Cyril Ramaphosa committed to forging a social compact between South Africa’s economic ...
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IRR in the Media
Social security plan is State Capture v2.0 – IRR
25 August 2021 - The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) rejects the green paper published last week by the Department of Social Development, which proposes ...
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Some thoughts on land policy - Politicsweb
22 July 2022 - The Freedom Charter retains an intense emotional hold on many South Africans, often being presented as a sort of arbiter of what South Africa’s ...
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SONA – How Ramaphosa could end the longest downturn in SA history
The State of the Nation could be summed up in one fact from the South African Reserve Bank (SARB), namely that South Africa entered a negative phase in the ...
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South Africa and ‘AI-styled political correctness’ - Biznews
Asking ChatGPT to identify the most profound change of the last 200 years yields a lengthy response about the Industrial Revolution. An AI-styled political ...
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IRR in the Media
South Africa, The Risks We Face Are Real - Huffpost
11 May 2018 - There are really two South Africas — one riven, brittle and pessimistic, the other resilient, cohering and hopeful.
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South Africa’s Expropriation Bill poses a threat to property rights – Terence Corrigan - BizNews
And it’s not surprising. The power’s off, over a third of the country is out of work, the cost of living is biting into even the most essential purchases.
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IRR in the Media
South African farmers face racial requirements for water use licences, posing existential threat – Corrigan - Biznews
President Cyril Ramaphosa invested enormous political capital over the first three years of his presidency in pushing Expropriation without Compensation (EWC). ...
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South Africans’ hard-earned property could well be snaffled by the State - Biznews
8 September 2022 - By this time next week, the Expropriation Bill of 2020 (the Bill) may already have been adopted by the portfolio committee on public works ...
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IRR in the Media
State custodianship | 'Calcification' of power: Anthea Jeffery responds to Tembeka Ngcukaitobi - News24
15 June 2021 - Advocate Tembeka Ngcukaitobi SC seems almost to welcome recent ANC and EFF proposals for state custodianship over all land, as reflected in the ...
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