Research and Policy Brief: Open letter to the Minister of Police on the killing of Andries Tatane - 15th April 2011.
The Deputy Chief Executive of the South African Institute of Race Relations, Frans Cronje, wrote an open letter to the Minister of Police, Nathi Mthethwa, on ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Practical Ramifications of the Government's Four Labour Bills - 22nd March 2011.
The Government’s New Growth Path envisages the creation of 5m new jobs by 2020. Instead, however, the four labour bills approved by the Cabinet in December ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Preparing for the battle of ideas - 17 October 2013.
Address by John Kane-Berman, chief executive of the South African Institute of Race Relations (IRR), to a "Freedom Seminar" held in conjunction with the ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Property Rights: New Threats, Lost Opportunities, and New Challenges - 31st March 2011.
Speech by John Kane-Berman, chief executive of the South African Institute of Race Relations, at the launch of the 2011 edition of the International Property ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Residential property ownership in Gauteng - 10th December 2010.
Property ownership is a key part of any free and open society. Property is also a source of income, equity, and savings for many households. Yet available data ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: Revealing the Master Plan: What the ANC has in store for South Africa, 28th September 2011.
Address by John Kane-Berman, chief executive of the South African Institute of Race Relations, to Institute members and guests at the Country Club, ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: South Africa 2010 - Frequently Asked Questions. 30th September 2010.
The Institute delivers a range of briefings and scenario planning sessions to its subscribers. These are often followed by long question and answer sessions. ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: South Africa after the ANC - 2nd July 2012.
Few analysts are prepared to make bold forecasts about South Africa’s future political landscape. This paper breaks from that pattern and argues that the ANC ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: South Africa: Finding a Way Forward - 28th March 2011.
The Chief Executive of the South African Institute of Race Relations, John Kane-Berman, recently delivered the keynote addess to a SwissCham Southern Africa ...
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Research & Policy Brief
Research and Policy Brief: The Case for South Africa - 29th November 2010.
Recent months have seen an increasing number of people question the political and economic trajectory of our country. Once silent parties, such as organized ...
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Research & Policy Brief