How Cape Town can become richer: Affordable housing, efficient public transport - Biznews
While the City of Cape Town deserves many plaudits for being a beautiful, functional and well-run city compared with every other major metro in South Africa, ...
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IRR in the Media
Land, water and ‘transforming the relations’ - GoSouth
Pledging to resolve the ‘land question’ has been a perennial theme for the ANC. For the most part, this has been approached as a political rather than an ...
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A new empowerment paradigm: EED beats B-BBEE - Newsi
10 May 2022 - In my last column, I discussed the government’s commitment to its race-based model of empowerment: Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment. ...
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Across SA, municipalities are in crisis – and there’s no convincing way out - Biznews
7 July 2021 - Most local governments in South Africa are in crisis, and the services they provide are fast deteriorating. There is no convincing nationwide ...
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Loaning Transnet more money won’t solve SA’s infrastructure crisis – IRR
The BRICS New Development Bank’s approving a R5 billion loan to fix Transnet’s rail sector is deeply concerning. A far better idea would be to allow the ...
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MICHAEL MORRIS: SA could do worse than follow Boks’ blueprint - Business Day
Going all the way back to the early 1990s, it has often been assumed that some supernatural agency was always indispensable to otherwise unthinkable home-grown ...
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ANC’s shocking stance: Call to cut ties with France threatens South Africa’s economic growth - Biznews
When Sébastien de Place, president of the Foreign Trade Advisors for France in South Africa, warned the government last week of the risk to foreign business ...
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Gauteng water crisis: some IRR recommendations adopted, but more needed
As the government scrambles to avert the risk of Gauteng reaching Day Zero in its mounting water crisis, several measures now being implemented align with ...
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MICHAEL MORRIS: Cape Town sets benchmark in value-for-money procurements - Business Day
As we contended with yet another bout of unwelcome blackouts last week, a signal City of Cape Town initiative came as a sober reminder of why “wealth-shedding” ...
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Looming Gauteng water crisis: municipalities must shape up – IRR
Gauteng, South Africa’s economic and industrial heartland, will likely be compelled to introduce water rationing if it is to evade the absolute catastrophe ...
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