Stop this draconian measure – IRR
3 February 2021 - The government’s new Expropriation Bill is a draconian measure that must be stopped before it can be used to strip millions of South Africans ...
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Suip, suip, my storie’s uit! When whisky beats water – Vegter - Biznews
3 May 2022 - It has been brewing for decades, but like the long-neglected electricity system, the long-neglected water supply, treatment and reticulation ...
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The Climate Change Bill is a monstrous absurdity - Politicsweb
23 May 2022 - Even by the standards of the African National Congress (ANC), the 2022 Climate Change Bill is an absurdity.
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Urban property in government sights for expropriation
8 September 2022 - As the deadline approaches for the Parliamentary Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure to approve the Expropriation Bill, it is ...
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Johannesburg’s two-sided property crisis – Andrew Kenny - Biznews
There are two different property problems in Johannesburg. Some people just cannot sell their houses. Others just cannot find accommodation.
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When the state drives a nation’s ruin, private actors must step in and help stop the rot - Daily Maverick
Former president Thabo Mbeki recently drew on the content of a speech I made at the Cato Institute in Washington earlier this year to express his misgivings ...
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Private-public partnerships key to infrastructure turnaround – IRR
Meeting South Africa’s infrastructure goals will require a significant increase in public sector investment to at least 10% of GDP by 2030, coupled with using ...
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Godongwana’s budget trade-off: Holding onto SOEs vs. economic prosperity – Katzenellenbogen - Biznews
Later this month the Minister of Finance, Enoch Godongwana, will present a budget against a backdrop of disappointment. The country’s economic growth rate this ...
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South Africa’s state failure sparks self-reliance trend – Katzenellenbogen - Biznews
The signs of accelerating state failure are pretty much everywhere: from the potholes, the urban decay, crimes that are not prosecuted, the lack of security, ...
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Navigating South Africa’s governance circus around the electricity crisis – Martin van Staden - Biznews
‘Government’ is a serious concept. Related theories of public utilities, the commons, and privatisation are similarly serious and nuanced. But sometimes what ...
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