Use MTBPS to grant BEE exemptions, IRR urges Godongwana
25 October 2022 - Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana should use his Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement to announce cutting the most onerous red tape hampering ...
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IRR in the Media
Victory on election law shows value of civil society collaboration – IRR
3 December 2020 - The IRR welcomes the removal of two dangerous clauses from the Electoral Laws Amendment Bill of 2020 by Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on ...
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IRR in the Media
What 14 years of load shedding taught us about centralisation - Fin24
29 January 2021 - I was startled to discover that we are now entering the 14th year of load shedding. You may remember the chaos that erupted in late 2007 when ...
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IRR in the Media
Why is cheap electricity so expensive? - Politicsweb
7 December 2020 - So now we know. One of the reasons for retaining South African exchange controls is to ensure that enough money is available for investment ...
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IRR in the Media
Why must taxpayers subsidise cars for rich greens? - Politicsweb
25 January 2021 - Elon Musk is now supposedly the richest man in the world. Although he is the market leader, he is not the only manufacturer of electric cars, ...
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IRR in the Media
Will anyone in Glasgow speak up for the “unplugged” millions? - Politicsweb
25 October 2021 - “Three billion people in the world today use less electricity than what’s used in my kitchen refrigerator.”
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IRR in the Media
When the state drives a nation’s ruin, private actors must step in and help stop the rot - Daily Maverick
Former president Thabo Mbeki recently drew on the content of a speech I made at the Cato Institute in Washington earlier this year to express his misgivings ...
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IRR in the Media
Vegter – Ramaphosa’s SONA falls short of hope and resilience - Biznews
Ramaphosa probably gave the best speech he could have, given the circumstances, his ideological straitjacket, and his complete lack of spine. It didn’t inspire ...
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IRR in the Media
#WhatSACanBe: South Africa can be an energy powerhouse – IRR
The Government of National Unity (GNU) should adopt a no-holds-barred approach to ending load-shedding and ensuring South Africans have access to cheap, ...
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IRR in the Media
LETTER: SA’s liberation from load-shedding lies in liberalisation and deregulation - BusinessDay
The United Democratic Movement (UDM) and 18 others are suing government for failing to address rolling blackouts.
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IRR in the Media