Steel industry is buckling under skewed labour and tariff structures - Businesslive
21 October 2021 - Yesterday the National Union of Metalworkers of SA (Numsa) which had demanded an 8% rise, said it would settle for a 5% increase for the ...
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IRR in the Media
Stop the paranoia and take responsibility, Gwede, walk – Ivo Vegter - Biznews
In an interview with Kyle Cowan of News24 (paywalled), the minister of energy, Gwede Mantashe refused to take any responsibility for South Africa’s deep energy ...
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Taboo debate: For better or worse after Apartheid? – Andrew Kenny - Biznews
Who spoke these words (very loudly) and on what occasion? “South Africa, as a country, was more functional during apartheid than it currently is … Love or hate ...
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Terence Corrigan - The impact of load shedding on the agriculture sector - Cape Talk
Terence Corrigan - The impact of load shedding on the agriculture sector - Cape Talk
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Terence Corrigan: Brace yourselves, the future of SA might not be pretty - News24
If nothing else, the State of the Nation Address emphasises the extent of dysfunction in South Africa's governance. This came out strongly on this platform ...
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Terence Corrigan: The high price of cheap ideology - News24
22 October 2022 - When a memo from Dis-Chem CEO Ivan Saltzman became public earlier this month, the uproar it created was both predictable and understandable.
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The ANC’s very own Rocky Horror Show - Biznews
20 July 2022 - Cyril Ramaphosa thinks Gwede Mantashe’s proposal of starting a second state-owned power utility is ‘not a bad idea’, or so he told a South ...
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The BEE minefield Dis-Chem blundered into - Biznews
19 October 2022 - It remains unclear whether Dis-Chem has withdrawn its moratorium on the hiring of white people. A letter to the public earlier this week on ...
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The devastating impact of power cuts on South Africa’s economy - Biznews
About thirty years ago, when I worked as a management consultant, our team was often asked by clients about what competitive advantages were due to their ...
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The Paris agreement: a costly and damaging failure? - Politicsweb
31 January 2021 - The US will shortly be part of the Paris agreement once again. It will therefore be committed to helping keep the rise in the planet’s ...
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